• I was forced to watch this crap when my friends dragged me to see, and I can not believe I wasted my money for this "American" load of garbage. Who really thought of Big BOI being an actor anyway? The film is messed up in a really horrible way. Every gangster in the 'hood' wants to see this film when they don't really even know what it's about. I can't think of any other words to describe it other than 'bad' (or the title of my review). I never wanted to see this film anyway, like I said, I was FORCED to watch. Yet that is not the only reason why I hated this film. Some people just tried to make a gangster film which tells this fictional story which they say COULD HAPPEN! when really they don't know what they're talking about. If you're going to make a COULD-HAPPEN-film then don't bother making films at all. This film thought it was smarter than anyone else, and although I hate to say it but even the gangsters in the hood are smarter than this crap.