• This film is an okay film, but as a Laurel and Hardy short, this is a bit of a disappointment. Quite frankly, the boys were capable of better stuff than this rather limp short.

    Stan and Ollie are hobos who are caught by a cop (Edgar Kennedy). Instead of locking them up, the cop asks them to rob the police chief's house so that Kennedy can catch them in the act and impress the boss. He promised to then let them go after nabbing them at the house. Well, Stan and Ollie are completely inept at robbing the house--with Stan again and again and again and again being too loud and stupid to allow them to get inside the house without alerting the entire neighborhood. This is an idea that is just beaten like the proverbial dead horse and after a while it just isn't very funny. The time spent out in the alley making TONS of noise went on far too long and they were so loud, the dead would have risen to tell them to get lost!! Shortly after this, when they pretended to be cats, once again it was too much and went on far too long. In fact, there weren't that many great moments in this short apart from this overly long scene. A few laughs, yes, but that's really about all.

    FYI--This videotape was from Hallmark/Artisan and was Colorized. As always, Colorized films look like crap and detract from the overall experience unless you have a fetish for ugly pastels. Try to find a non-colorized version if at all possible--they do exist.