• This show was a joke. My dad is an FSO (Foreign Service Officer). This show came out while he was still in training in D.C. and his classmates used to watch it and count the security violations in each episode. They were numerous to say the least. Foregive me, but how did this lady manage to skip the amazingly hard Foreign Service Exam (which very few people pass), the Oral Interview (which even fewer people pass), all of the months of basic training, more months of detailed training, get promoted, and then get to London on her first tour? It can take over a year just to get your security clearance so you can even be hired, not to mention a health clearance. Its insane. And apart from this embassy life is not accurately portrayed. Regardless of post everyone upon arrival is greeted by a social sponsor, who shows you around etc, and an office sponsor, who helps one to settle down in the office. And there are strict regulations regarding living space alloted to officers. No one is made to share a house or apartment. This is not the armed forces for heaven's sake. (And yes, I am aware that one cannot demand or expect accuracy in network television. But if they are going to call the show "The American Embassy" they ought to at least try a little bit. After all, one does not make a show about baseball players, then show them playing football instead.) Clearly the makers of the show either never spoke with Department of State officers, or ignored their advice completely. And even if she did manage all of this, she would have been kicked out for her nutty conduct. On the other hand, that might explain why she got to London on her first tour. It could be what is known in the business as a "lovely parting gift". Over all, this show was a complete and utter joke, from start to finish.