• Warning: Spoilers
    When I want a cheesy horror flick, I want something that is going to not just entertain, but keep me involved in the plot. This movie delivers on both parts. Not only is it visually interesting with vivid color and special (d)efects, the acting is very convincing.

    If you like scary movies that involve witchery, etc., then you are going to dig the kinks in this film. The special defects are great. As to be expected with any horror flick involving witchery/covens, this flick is loaded with imagery and symbolism: tarot cards,a voodoo doll, goat-headed dudes, black robes, fornication, high priest, traitor/trickster,death, fire,and naked people dancing. This film is very much old-school psychedelia. If you like weird noises and bizarre camera angles, you have got to at least see this film once. Believe me, you will remain interested.

    A psycho-horror film whose surreal ending will keep you up all night with nightmares is a real treat for lovers of cult film and z-grade, Necromancy is a must-see!