• Marines Let's Go is a film about a group of leathernecks on leave in occupied Japan just before the outbreak of the Korean War. It's the usual hijinks you find in service comedies. Tom Tryon and David Hedison went on to have some substantial careers.

    Tom Reese is the leader of the group, I imagine because Raoul Walsh couldn't get Lee Marvin for the part. Reese is the sort that seems to be only happy in combat. The kind us poor civilians should give a wide berth to.

    The film should have ended right when the Marines are put on alert and the leaves canceled. It was an average enough comedy, but it got kind of silly when it turned abruptly serious during the beginning of the Korean War. Ruined the film, the combat situations were hardly convincing.

    No wonder Raoul Walsh couldn't get any name players for this one.