
  • I rented several movies in the last week (slow/rest week) and this is the only one I enjoyed. Sorry, sadly, and an indication of how bad movies have gotten I guess?

    The other movies I rented were Ultraviolet, The Last Drop, Denny Decker, Waterborne, Green River Killer, Brotherhood of the Wolf, Mesmerized, Sound of Thunder, and Around the Bend. Quite a difference in genres, so you can't say that is the problem!

    At least this movie was about people and not things. Sure it had a lot of problems, but it is hard to fit such a long story into an hour and a half or whatever. And it was funny! For example: "Look, there are plenty of branches left that will hold you!" (When branch broke when guy was trying to hang himself.)

    C'mon, lighten up everyone, I bet the next movie from this production company will shine!