• The Fast Show is very funny. I used to watch it all the time, before Blackadder beat it out for the title of "My Favourite Comedy". I shall now review each individual series, and tell you whether it is good or forgettable...

    I only have the video "The Best Bits of Series 1", so I haven't seen the whole series. Being the first series, it shouldn't be at its best, having its weaknesses improved in later series. But that is not the case with this. From what I saw, Series 1 is something of a classic - some sketches very funny indeed. Of course, there have to be weak sketches, and the Patagonians I didn't find very funny. But Channel 9, Bob Fleming and the Suit You tailors are all at their best in this series, stealing the show and giving us the main laughs. This was a great deal better than most modern comedies.

    But it was Series 2 that I found the best of the lot. The sketches got even funnier, and the Channel 9 sketches had an entirely new face. And we were introduced to new characters - Competitive Dad, Insecure Woman, and the Jazz Club, all very funny, and giving us new situations, styles of humour and laughs, as well as helping make this series the best of the lot. This truly was the Fast Show at its best, and should be seen by everyone as a taste of 90s comedy at its best.

    But Series 3, to be honest, was a bit of a letdown. All of the previous characters were back ready to do a new series, but they just weren't as funny this time. Yet even more new characters appeared - Dave Angel Eco Warrior, Swiss Toni, Squeamish Zoo Keeper - neither of them giving as much laughs or effect as any of the others, and frankly letting down the show. The writers must have been losing a bit of faith - as far as I know, no new series was commissioned after this, and probably for the better. I rather wished my eighteen quid had gone on something more like Series 2. The Christmas Special was good, but the best new sketch of this series was Artist Johnny, the man who was driven crazy by the word "Black". It might not have been clever, but it was funny, and tried to help this rather limp fish of a series.

    Near the new millennium, Fast Show Live and "The Last Fast Show Ever" were made, but they just could not beat the old heroes. 1995's Series 2 was the best easily, and can never be beat by any other sketch show. Not even "Little Britain".

    I give Series 1 a 9, Series 2 a 10, and Series 3 a 6, which amounts to an average of just above 8. But for being a respected classic of British TV which I like very much, I give it a 9, and look forward to watching it many times more in the future.