
  • I'm 24 and at the end of the movie I realize that I don't want to spend the rest of this time whit only one girl.

    This movie is about four thirty-years-old ex school partners that are reunited for the high school generation party. The movie has everything that should matter:

    1.- Good story 2.- Good interpretations 3.- Good look 4.- Good Sex scenes, and 5.- Good score (music I mean)

    I'm not lying when i say that this movie is worth watching, it is one of the best movies I saw since "Sexo Pudor y Lágrimas" "Sex, sweat and tears". Probably I wasn't too excited of see Tony Dalton in this one but is acting was OK. And dude, the speech at the end... it'll catch you unarmed and will knock you up. It is impossible to escape for those truths.

    Better watching with a friend in the plan of "I'm just your friend, but I know someday somehow You'll be mine"

    So, that's all. Enjoy it!