
  • Animal is a curious movie. It's a kind of Sci-Fi thriller about the violence and the evilness that exits in nature. The animals have this instinct to kill in order to survive, but "man is the only one that kills for pleasure".

    A genetic scientist (Andreas Wilson) will try to change this tendency to violence in the Human nature doing a new experience in a serial killer (Diogo Infante) who brutally killed some young girls. This "treatment" is expected to turn him into a pacific person eliminating his "killer instinct"… It's the topic of this film, and the original idea is quite good I must say, because it relates a very polemic topic: is it ethically correct that genetics might change the most deeply characteristics of the Human nature, like love, hate, anger, rage, kindness? … it's all part of our nature! The most interesting part of the film is precisely put the viewer thinking about this issue, but the rest of the movie is not so good… In my opinion all story turns a bit superficial, because the main characters aren't as deep as they should be.