• Warning: Spoilers
    Finally picked up the "Banned from Broadcast" DVD. As a Miike & genre fan, I have some mixed feeling about Imprint: THE GOOD: Miike gives his fans an equally horrific needle torture scene a la Audition. On top of that he throws in some taboo abortion with floating fetus scenes. I know, sick stuff. The cinematography and colour Red were strong and equally memorable. Also the prostitute castings were great. THE BAD: Billy Drago, yeah he looked the part, but his acting is something to be desired. Some of his lines and delivery were pure fromage. I understand the creative reasonings behind having the dialogue in English, but I think it should have been shot in Japanese, with Billy struggling in English and basic Japanese. THE UGLY: I get the whole brother sister inbred produced the deformed daughter(s) thing, but a hand with a talking little face coming out of the head, c'mon now, that looked really lame. (Reminded me of curling your index finger around your thumb, drawing little eyes on the top and making your hand speak). Lame! THE FUNNY: Anyone else thought the Japanes brothel midget looked like DeepRoy from Charlie & the Chocolate Factory? Overall its a mixed bag with obvious strengths and weaknesses, I generously rate this one a 7. But essential viewing for Miike and MOH fans with a strong intestinal fortitude.