• Silver Hawk is such a great movie, not overly dramatic or drudged up with too much blood or sex. In fact I don't remember seeing any of either. Michelle Yeoh is so cute and smart and funny, it's not dumb fun but it's so great to see a character who actually has lots of fun kicking butt, something which is usually seen as burdensome and depressing by most superheroes in movies and comics nowadays. Don't listen to anyone who says Michelle Yeoh is too old for this role, she doesn't look her age at all and she could've fooled me! I hate it when people think forty is over the hill, they are gravely mistaken; I think it's more of a sign of maturity and talent than the overpaid up-and-coming sluts on our silver screens today. The character is original, the costume is beautiful and not at all immodest. The music is just right and we are finally allowed the luxury of enjoying the fight scenes, totally real, beautifully choreographed and filmed so we can see it without getting a headache or feeling ripped off with up too close choppy filming. I think some of the voices are dubbed over but it doesn't bother me at all, they're all English speaking anyways. The bad guy isn't the most sinister, but he's bad enough for me, it's been so long since we've seen a villain with the classic motives of world domination and a viable method of doing so. Bad guys and superheroes don't have to be overdramatized for me to be entertained, they just have to have clear motivations and a simple sincerity. As far as any of the humor or lines coming off stale or lame-I've seen MUCH worse in movies made by people who speak English every day of the week. Silver Hawk is beautiful, strong, original, well made and modest. Ten stars and my recommendation if you like superheroine or superhero movies, martial arts and sci-fi.