• I work at a theater, so when a new movie comes out, I get to preview it, so I picked Lets Go to Prison over James Bond, simply because I'm not a Bond-type person.

    I went into this movie hoping to laugh until my side hurt...not the case. The trailer that is online is more funny than the movie itself. Most of the jokes were the typical 'Prison' jokes (don't drop the soap, stuff like that), which really gets old after a awhile.

    The plot was paper thin, and often just boring, only 3 times did I actually witness "funny" parts, maybe it's just my sense of humor though. The acting was okay, nothing really fantastic.

    So, in conclusion, STAY AWAY FROM THIS MOVIE! Save your 6 - 10 bucks or go see something better. I give it a 2, only because I got to see it for free.