• Warning: Spoilers
    Perhaps is the best reality sitcom out there, sans the hype that it generated back in 2002.

    Prior to this show, I had never heard of Ozzy Osbourne or his wild antics... but one look at this guy (and the rest of his family) I knew this man has not had a stable life. Drug-induced, foul-mouthed, money-addicts sums it up for this family. I was annoyed, bemused and amused all at once by this family, especially Ozzy. As for the show itself, luckily thanks to its' gaudiness and some clever editing techniques, the first season managed to live up to the hype it generated and maintain novelty, and there was a fun, bubbly feeling about this season which is in dark contrast to the dark, moody, serious and unstimulated remainder seasons that followed after.

    It was quite obvious from the start that the Osbournes cart was running on loose wheels, yet it managed to keep up its' appeal till at least to the very end of the first season. That is, the episodes of the first season were more interesting, the pace was fast, the people were more involved.

    The premier episode dealt with the Osbournes moving into their new home in Beverly Hills and dealing with problems that arise in such a situation like Ozzy trying to get the TV working, wife Sharron finding valuable furniture damaged due to lousy packing, son Jack finding his sister's underwear in his stuff, and daughter Kelly almost burning the kitchen down. If the first day in a new home was that crazy, the days to follow could get worse.

    The remainder of the episode deals with other situations, some normal, some not so normal, but all the while dealt with by the Osbournes in very peculiar ways:

    • noisy neighbors playing loud European dance music ; - untrained, spoiled rotten dogs mark too many territories around the mansion; - Ozzy starting on a new tour to promote his latest studio album - Jack and Kelly's partying/staying up habits spiraling out of control, not to forget their love-hate relationship and physical fighting - Jack being a total brat and slob, ordering junk food at 2am, causing mayhem at school camps, refusing to do anything about his over-sized hair and sweaty, worn-for-three-weeks clothes.

    Yes, these are just few of the problems Ozzy and Sharron come across but all is forgiven and forgotten during the Christmas episode... or has it?

    This show is worth at least one view if you haven't seen it. Avoid the seasons 2-4 like the plague (although Beauty And The Bert had some very cute moments in it and the only episode that leaves you in a soft gooey warm mood. No really!).