• First of all, Starkweather and Fugate were from Nebraska. So what's with the Southern hick accents and the country music?

    Starkweather fancied himself another James Dean. I don't think he listened to country music.

    What's with the "devil" character?? Added nothing to the plot. Im fact, the movie could have done very well without it.

    Charlie loved animals - much better than he liked people; he wouldn't have killed the toad.

    Charlie Starkweather was a very short, red-headed kid with bow-legs and thick glasses and a bad stutter. He also wasn't very bright.

    Caril Ann Fugate was NOT the stunner she was portrayed as in the movies. By all accounts, she was a very snippy, arrogant child.

    Both roles were miscast...badly.

    If they're going to do a story on a mass murderer like Charles Starkweather, at least get it right.

    "Badlands" was a much better account of the Starweather-Fugate crime spree than this mess.