• The Masters of Horror series which began in 2005 is certainly a mixed bag. Not only are there many different film-makers working on these episodes, but the budgets seem to be limited on some level.

    Like the first 5 seasons of The X-Files, the episodes are shot in Vancouver and the British Columbia environment in Canada, so directors need to be creative in order to make it all work as effectively as possible.

    The best of the bunch that I've seen so far are: William Malone's The Fair Haired Child (which is an emotional and horrific fairy-tale), Joe Dante's surprisingly effective and detailed Homecoming (bear with the opening 5 minutes or so), Don Coscarelli's Incident On and Off a Mountain Road, Lucky McKee's Sick Girl and Dario Argento's second offering Pelts which may have the highest level of gore and sleaze in all the Masters of Horror so far! Way to go, Dario! You're still the man!

    Next tier down would be Takashi Miike's Imprint, John Carpenter's Cigarette Burns and possible Larry Cohen's Pick Me Up. There are about three more I've seen which I won't mention (out of respect for the film-makers!).