• As mentioned in other posts, this series is definitely a love/hate relationship with most loyal Dilbert fans.

    My worst fear when I first started watching the show was the voice-overs. The transition from comic to TV was amazing in my eyes. Beyond being very truthful to Scott Adams initial idea, the voice-overs matched almost perfectly what I imagined the cast of the comic to sound like.

    The TV series adds to what the comic portrays - a humorous series of jokes that are exclusive to those that fall out of the "In-duh-vidual" category (those who are familiar with DNRC and Dilbert.com will understand what I mean).

    My particular favorite quote, after Alice reads Dilbert's love poem to Lena, the last line being "My passions exceed, (pi)(r)^2 times infinity", she comments saying that he is crazy, and further that the line is meaningless if r is undefined. Just hilarious. Thank you so much Scott Adams, you are my hero.

    If you enjoy the Dilbert comic, you will most likely enjoy this series. Watch it. NOW!