• Warning: Spoilers

    I have finally done it! I am commenting on a video game. Well, let me tell you this, it is a darn good video game. One of my favorite video games. In fact, it is definitely the very best video game based on a movie ever. The game-play is addicting. The dialog is really cheesy, though, and most of the levels are really hard, but there is one huge thing backing this game up. Free roaming. You can go all around New York City. You can also go to the Statue of Liberty, Roosevelt Island, Brooklyn Bridge, and you can jump off the Empire State Building. You can also chase a train if you want.

    Here is the idea for the video game. It has a similar plot of Spider Man 2. Peter Parker is back as Spider-Man but now the scientist Doctor Otto Octavius fused his body with tentacles and is now Doctor Octopus. Not only that, you also have to fight Rhino, Shocker, Mysterio, and numerous thugs that are across New York City. You also meet Black Cat, who you chase through the city. In the meantime you also have to take photos for the Daily Bugle, try to get to Mary Jane Watson's play in time, and try to get to Doctor Connors before school is over. Then Doctor Octopus captures Mary Jane and takes her to his lair I guess. Spiderman goes there and saves the day, or you might just die. In the end you can just roam anywhere collecting 50,000 Hero Points.

    Overall, this is one addicting and great video game. One of the highlights is that the actors who played the characters in the movie actually voice them in the video game. Also, Bruce Campbell narrates the video game. The end is the best, though. All you do is roam around town, helping people out, beating up thugs, and earning 50,000 Hero Points. Still, I am not the biggest fan of comic books and I still loved this game, yet, I do not think that this is for everyone. There a couple glitches here and there and some people will give up at the hard levels. Also, Black Cat levels get tedious. Anyway, this is a great game.
