• Last night, I caught the sneak preview of the new ABC show "Traveler" which is about three friends who go on a two month road trip on for two of them to be betrayed by their one friend and set up for an act of terrorism. Now on the run from the law, they must figure out who their friends was and why he set them up.

    This was a fast and fun program. I look forward to following it in the coming months and I think ABC may have a super fun journey for the summer. I highly recommend that anyone who is looking for a new Thursday night fast pace thriller check out Traveler. It is full of a few twist and turns, but is a little predictable. I get a similar feel of the Fugitive from this show so who knows? It could turn into one of those total American summer thrill rides in which everyone tunes in just to see what will happen next.

    Travler airs May 30 at 9/8 Central on ABC. Check local listing for further listings.