• AKA: The Very Thought Of You

    This has been done many times before. You take a basic fish-out-of-water story, and try to put your own spin to it, in an attempt to make it seem like a "fresh" idea, and hope no one notices.

    I'm happy to say that this time, it worked. Tom Hollander and Monica Potter are delightful as the would-be couple. Monica Potter is the fish out of water, as an ex-Minnesota resident cum Londoner.

    This is delightful, and quite smart in places, giving this production an overall slick execution, while not pushing the envelope so hard, as to detract from the work.

    This is quite enjoyable, in spite of the cliché level of the base premise. The two key performances are quite endearing and sweet. This one grabbed me, and pulled me in, in spite of myself.

    It rates a 7.2/10 from...

    the Fiend :.