• Just bought the DVD off e-bay. First saw this movie on HBO when I was the age of my oldest son (7). Now 23, years later, I cannot wait to show this to my three kids. I literally used to check the "TV Spotlight" in the Sunday paper for HBO to see when it would come on. The story was so great and one of my fondest memories of a child is watching this movie. I read criticism about how this story is not that great because it basically glorifies kids going off with strangers. But as a child I never took it that way, and I am not afraid to show to my children. I always thought it was sweet because she got the attention her parents did not give her and the softening of the Alvie and Bootsie.

    Loved Parent Trap II also, and I thought she was in that also. Glad I was right.

    Truly one of those movies that can stand the test of time. Glad to hear there are other who loved it also. I am proud to be part of the cult following