• Warning: Spoilers
    When I saw this movie in the aisle of our local video store, I almost went catatonic with glee. Thr3e was the first Ted Dekker novel I ever read, and I'd heard many good things about it. I bought it sight unseen, and now I regret it.

    Ted, how could you let them do this to your novel? Everything that made the novel classically good (good dialogue, for a really good start) was taken out. I never believed the character of Jennifer or Sam; my brother, who watched the movie with me without reading the book, kept mixing them up. Kevin did a pretty good job, and some of the added stuff made the film make sense; that's why I didn't give this movie an automatic one. Balinda was brilliant, but more time should have been spent in Kevin's memory.

    Technically, this film was a mess. The cuts were choppy, the camera work was awkward, sometimes the sound was weird...I've seen better films, technical-wise, from a student film with no budget. And that's just sad.

    To all Christian authors (especially Ted Dekker and Frank Peretti): if the movie industry wants to make movies out of your books, hold out for a bigger budget, decent script-writing (or write the scripts yourself), and good actors. Particularly, if there's a book with two women in leading roles, don't get actresses who look and sound so much alike (flat, breathy, and dull).