
  • I didn't turn on this movie expecting much. I've always been a big fan of Stephen King's books, but the movies seemed to lack.

    This movie was a pleasant surprise, though. I was happily grossed out of my mind enough times to satisfy my taste, and the characters, while very, very corny at times, were some of my favorites in years. You wont find much of an all-star ensemble, but, like George Romero, I don't like to see too many big stars in horror flicks. The story, while conceded, is interesting enough to keep you watching, The ending was well worth the wait, too, offering up some of the irony that King is so adept at.

    If you're not a fan of B-rated movies, I'd steer clear. If you are, though, this is going to be one helluva fun ride. The Effects are very good, considering the budget was most likely very low.