• I've seen better things come out of the rear end of a horse... I love rubbish films but this one is so dire its unwatchable. If there's one thing that ruins it is has to be Richard Driscoll, unfortunately seeing as he wrote, directed, produced and starred in the lead role then there's very little without his 'terrible' input. Just watch the extras making of documentary to see how bemused this guy is, does he really believe all of the garbage he spouts? From the look of his body language I should say not. This film is a blatant rip off of Silence of the Lambs/Hannibal without any of their qualities, Driscoll eludes to this briefly by stating he borrowed a few things in a tongue in cheek manner.. hmmm so he borrowed lines (washed down with a glass of chianti etc), sets (eg poorly copied cell scene), plot (well that's a bit rich as the plot of this movie is unintelligible)... oh and to add the final insult, lets not forget, the horrific acting of Lucien Morgan who attempts to copy Anthony Hopkins acting... It was claimed Morgan was a fantastic theatrical actor, well stick to the stage mate. My only hope is that the fact Driscoll has not been able to finance the sequel (was it a trilogy he claimed?), and has thankfully been off the scene for a long time, means he's realised he has no ability at any of his 'talents'... perhaps, hopefully, he and the Kannibal sound producer are still arguing, at the bottom of a very deep bottle of whisky, over why their talents have not been recognised. It would be sad to note that the highlight of Driscoll's career is the lowlight of everyone else's opinion, however he's not even charismatic enough to warrant ones pity. Its a shame on today's society that such deluded people are allowed to roam so freely.