
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I gotta tell ya, anybody who watches this movie should understand two things: One, the art world snobs thus portrayed are typical of what you'll encounter in the art world; they are the RULE, not the exception! (I know from personal experience: I am a professional fine artist.) Two, people with common sense are often maligned because of their supposed lack of intelligence, but listen, NASA, the military, world governments, hell, even the sports world are just a few examples where communication is carried on with nomenclatures which are specific to their disciplines; now, if you don't understand NASA's nomenclature, are we then to surmise that you're an idiot?? Hell, I bet you don't even understand what in hell rappers' slang means, and you may hold that proverbial degree in rocket science! So just because a person is ignorant (not stupid, there's a vast difference) of a subject doesn't mean that they lack intelligence: I can't speak French, but I qualified for MENSA membership.

    Now to the spoiler...don't read it if you haven't seen the movie (It's not much of a spoiler, because if you've researched this controversy on the Internet you'll already have run across this.).

    At the end of the movie it's revealed that there is a third fingerprint match: one that comes from an undisputed original Jackson Pollock! So now there is a fingerprint from a bona fide Jackson Pollock painting that matches the fingerprint on the paint can from Jackson Pollock's studio that matches the fingerprint on the back of the painting in question. Enough evidence for you? It is for me!!! And if you doubt the ability of the forensic examiner, or think that the methodology used was spurious, then I suggest that you see the movie, or view it again and pay closer attention this time.

    And as an aside, my old man was thrown in the drunk tank a few times, just like Pollock; my dad was never fingerprinted, either.