
  • Jack of all Trades chronicles the misadventures of Jack Styles (Bruce Campbell), a US special agent who is shipped off to the island country of Palau Palau in the year 1801. His mission there? Team up with a British agent and, together, thwart the occupying French forces that have taken over the peaceful Pacific island community.

    Jack soon discovers that in order to get the people of Palau Palau behind him, he must pander to their beliefs. Dressing up as a Zorro-like avenger known as The Daring Dragoon, Jack fights off the French, pirates, mad scientists, the Marquis de Sade, and various other wacky villains.

    The show incorporates historic figures into each show, even if they weren't around in 1801, when the series takes place. Most notably included in the series are Napoleon (played by Mini-Me, Verne Troyer), Lewis and Clark, the aforementioned Marquis de Sade, Benjamin Franklin, Blackbeard the Priate, and the seemingly mad King George.

    The series lasted only 22 episodes, but each one gets funnier and funnier. Its a true shame that the series didn't nab a second season, as the characters were all truly coming into their own by the time the show was canceled.

    If you're looking for Three Stooges-style slapstick, insane alternate history, and a very healthy dose of Mr. Campbell, check out this DVD boxed set. Its well worth the inexpensive price tag.

    Viva la Jack!!!