• Warning: Spoilers
    Ambitious with regards to its range of characters and at times twisty storyline, this is nonetheless a middling spaghetti western, thanks mostly to a banal script and some atrocious dubbing. Madison plays a mercenary who is hired to bust up a ring of gunrunners and firewater smugglers who are supplying the Indians with these forbidden items. In retaliation, his parents are gunned down and his four siblings are threatened into hiding. While Madison is busy trying to stop the gang, his younger brother Merrick is holed up with their youngest brother, their two sisters and a wounded man they've taken from the site of their parents' murder. Meanwhile, local businessman Battaglia has his eye on the eldest sister Bridou to the point of obsession. Amidst the sometimes-turgid family drama is a liberal sprinkling of gunfights, brawls and other action sequences including a fire. Madison, though wrinkled around the eyes and graying, is still a handsome man and he does well in all areas of the film. Unfortunately, he is off-screen a fair amount of the time and some of the other performers are dubbed in so ridiculous a fashion (though, clearly, this is not their fault!) that it diminishes the film overall. Also, the five siblings couldn't be more far apart in terms of looks and age span, rendering the family connection a bit ludicrous. Bridou is an attractive and appealing presence. It's surprising that her career didn't consist of more work. While her big, teased hair is hardly authentic, it's typical of the era in most all areas of film, Italian or not. Battaglia is solid, though he was usually more impressive in togas and sandals rather than the buttoned up look he sports here. Liotti, as Madison's saloon girl mistress, looks like a cross between Sophia Loren and Stephanie Beacham and, while her body is impressive, her massive crown of curls is pretty hilarious. The direction is inventive and the music isn't bad at all, though it has a definite James Bond-ripoff sound at times, including the amusing opening titles number. The scenery is nice. The story even has a twist or two, but the script just needed a bit of tightening up and variety (try counting how many times a character says, "Stay with Jenny" or "Look after Jenny"!) There are several gratuitous flashes of breast in the film to help keep viewers alert. The primary deficit is the dubbing, which is bad even by the already low standards of the genre. One farm wife, in particular, is unintentionally hilarious at all times (apart from the obvious gentle comedy written into the character.) It's not a bad film, just one that's hampered by a couple of issues.