• Warning: Spoilers
    Now if you have the gall to sit through this poorly made pile of puke all the way to the end, besides very woozy you will see a message telling you that the story was based on a true story. Now I might have bought that was based on a true story except when it comes to the climax of the film when the monster shrinks back down into a baby and jumps back into his mother's womb. Either someone is lying or there was no mutant baby. Because they said they put her in an asylum for her crimes, which means they had no proof of a mutant baby. Even if the baby was able to be born, there would be proof, he would be crawling with radiation. Here's a hint to the makers, radiation can be tracked and measured with a little device called a Geiger counter. The monster was pretty good, but that lie about this being a true story and poor effects make this a poor movie. THE NOOSE!