• This made for television film marked the first feature picture where two time Oscar winner Tom Hanks was featured in the leading role. Mazes and Monsters finds Hanks as one of four college students, Wendy Crewson, Christopher Makepeace, and David Wallace are the others who are into the board game of Mazes and Monsters. Title obviously changed by author Rona Jaffe to avoid a lawsuit from the creators of Dungeons&Dragons.

    The game like its real life counterpart has its followers and it can get pretty intense. Not unlike some Star Trek conventions where some folks really do get into character. When things get that intense there are some that can't handle it.

    Hanks turns out to be one of these, it turns out he's schizophrenic and his board character after the four of them decide to add a level of realism to the game by playing in some caverns gradually takes him over.

    Mazes and Monsters is a cheaply shot feature and does make good use of country and New York City locations. It's a memorable feature now because of the climax shot on the roof of one of the twin towers. The leads, especially Hanks turn in good and sincere performances.

    For fans of Dungeons&Dragons and Tom Hanks especially.