• Warning: Spoilers
    This film has a lot to recommend it but we better deal with the disappointments first. After a liberated opening and some three dimensional characters it moves, perhaps inevitably for a Hollywood movie, into a rather clichéd final third where every character is in some way made to pay for their involvement in the porn industry and the 'moral message' is invoked - even the initially avuncular internet mogul wearing devil's horns by the conclusion. Given what began as quite a fresh approach to an undoubtedly morally complex industry it would have been nice were we not exposed to such a whitewash at the end.

    And this film does have a lot of promise. The supporting cast is solid and Woods acts his sock off as the Parkinsons afflicted father subtly dealing with the awareness that his daughter is supporting him by working in the sex industry. It is the central performance that really carries the film though. Juliette Marquis's Moon is sensitive, erotic, intelligent, warm and alluring. Her voice overs meld surprising well with the action and her straight to camera digressions seem much fresher than they should for such an over-used device. In the end you will begin this film for her and it is her that carries you through to the end.

    A shame then that her, and Woods's, outstanding performances are let down by a rushed and simplistic ending.