• Let me add my voice to those who say we should not judge this piece of Zanuckfluff with the same standard we'd use for The Bard of Avon or even a Gene Kelly movie. Yes, the story is preposterous, pasted together with no other reason than to showcase the talents of some remarkably talented people, all having a great deal of fun, which I suspect anyone with the slightest nostalgia for the Technicolor movies of the war years will share. William Bendix, an actor vastly underrated, is both funny and touching, and Vivian Blaine and her one day to be fellow cast member from "Guys and Dolls," B.S. Pully, are wonderful. Felix Breshart, wearing the same scarf he wore in "To Be or Not to Be," is lovable as always as the musical con man. This is Greenwich Village as it never was and will never be. Sit back, suspend disbelief, and enjoy yourself. They don't make 'em like this anymore, and I for one regret it.