• I saw this film at the Vancouver International Film Festival. While sitting through this film, I had a distinct feeling that it was intended for the typical "international film festival" audience.

    This film is designed to be minimalistic, so minimalistic, that it can be adopted to any demographic group with minimal effort. The result are dialogs without nuance, characters without identity, and a film without depth. For this reason, everything became very repetitive and stagnant; sitting through this film became a chore.

    After the film, the filmmaker was invited to answer some questions from the audience. He made some interesting points, such as the incidental music, that was play on-the-spot by a pianist, and the process of making this film. But I did not think the film was groundbreaking, entertaining, or thought-provoking as some of the audience would believe.

    But, most interestingly, I would never thought that there is a niche for such kind of films, let alone a market.