
  • Warning: Spoilers
    As Leonard, Sheldon, Wolowitz (Simon Helberg), and Koothrappali (Kunal Nayyar) go to their apartment after playing paint-ball, Penny invites them to her costume party. Before that begins, they all prepare dressing as The Flash. Since no one wants to look alike, Leonard dresses as Frodo, Koothrappali as Thor, Wolowitz as Robin Hood (though he keeps getting mistakenly identified as Peter Pan), and Sheldon as the Doppler Effect (though some think he's a zebra). While the party starts at 7 and they arrive at 7:05, Penny tells them no one really arrives on time. As the night goes on, they still haven't talked to anybody else so they all, well at least Wolowitz and Koothrappali, separate while Sheldon and Leonard stick to each other. They find Penny talking to her old boyfriend so Leonard cuts in with his friend in tow. The ex and Leonard exchange words that threatens to become heated but Penny manages to put a stop to that. Later when drunk, Penny plants a big one on Leonard and confesses she thought her ex had changed. Leonard, not wanting to take advantage of Penny's condition, lets her go. Meanwhile, Koothrappali, who normally has trouble talking to a woman, gets lucky with someone who thinks he's a good listener!...Another funny episode and it's nice to see L and S's friends have almost equal status in this Halloween special. With "The Big Bang Theory" getting better with each episode, I'm glad CBS gave this a full-season order. Will review again next week...