• Warning: Spoilers
    Nice and sentimental, but perhaps, in the light of the fact that it was Polish cryptographers Marian Rejewski, Jerzy Rózycki and Henryk Zygalski who in 1932 deciphered Enigma, the present plotting is not very fair, is it? Further, the justification of the plot is not very convincing, not to speak about the resolution. Perhaps crucial historical events, always ambiguous and open to conflicting interpretations, are not the best material for nice and sentimental movies?

    It so happened, though, that only yesterday I watched Jeremy Northam in "Possession" (2002). There, the whole point is to remember Northam in various Austen BBC productions. Here, one delightful point was to see him in a very different role. What is more, the day before yesterday I re-watched "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" (2004). What a different Kate Winslett there! It is a great pleasure to watch the actors who, unlike others who always play the same role – themselves – can incarnate so many different characters! Oh well, they are British...