• Warning: Spoilers
    1 for Tobin Bell whom I thought had a good character (And the only reason I watched it in the first place).

    2 for some of the death scenes which were quite grisly.

    Other than that...this movie appears to have stolen ideas from other movies such as Nightmare on Elmstreet, scream (or any other slasher picture), and lastly jeepers creepers.

    I say Jeepers Creepers because the "Boogyman" looked a lot like he could have been the Creepers' brother in this movie. Even on top of that the "Boogyman" looked like he stole his costume from slipknot.

    It started off with potential...but seemed to just go down hill extremely fast. It snowballed and the movie ended leaving me more disappointed than the first one.

    I was gonna give this a 3 out of 10...but I couldn't think of anything else good about this movie in which I enjoyed.