• I always enjoy listening to Charlie Chan quote his famous proverbs, or friendly digs to his kid or helper and I always appreciate his wonderful manners. Charlie's parents certainly taught him how to say "please," "thank you" and respect other human beings. He always carries himself in a gentlemanly manner. Mr. Chan never gets mad, just never loses his temper no matter what happens. He takes everything in stride.

    I mention all of this because those were the main attributes to this story - his manner. Missing were two key ingredients that make Charlie Chan films fun to me: his kid (whoever he or she might be) and the humor.

    This story didn't have any of Charlie's kids helping him and they were missed. It just wasn't the same without Number One Son either helping him or getting in his way. Also, where was the comedy? That, too, was sorely missed.

    That isn't to say I still didn't enjoy the movie; I did, but it wasn't as much as most of them. I did appreciate the ending which was clever but not confusing. The story was fair-at-best, and sometimes all these occult-type themes get tiresome, at least when these séance scenes get silly, as they did in this film. Still, some parts will get your attention, such as a missing man suddenly showing up at the reading of the will, and then moments later being killed!

    Overall, a more serious "Chan" story that fans of "B" horror flicks might enjoy more than those of us who want a little humor and kinship along with our Charlie Chan fables.