
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Interesting premise, the "tightrope" all people walk between normal life and their darker sides. But there is no real script. There is no plot, and the whole disjointed mess needs to be edited down so that it can make sense. Poorly written and clumsily executed. Who was that guy at the end? We just see a pair of runners all movie, and the end, he's revealed as the killer but who the hell was he? Bujold's character was awful, a ball breaking man hater who swoons for Clint's misogynistic sweaty balls as he exercises hovering his crotch in her face at the gym. His "I wanna lick the sweat off your body" line delivered over oysters in his "Go Ahead, make my day" inflection set her heart and panties aflame. Yeah, that happens a lot. It would have been a better film if Clint WERE the killer. Then we'd have a person in a responsible job, maintaining the facade of an upright father in order to hide his violent kink. Very poor writing throughout. The choking severed arm at the end is just icing on a half baked idea. There's a lot of nudity delivered in a very dark and nasty feeling style, so that's a plus for the film, but the whole film needed a writer and an editor.