
  • All men who watched this movie rewarded it with a median '6', 66% of them reward it above '5', yet according to IMDb men show an 'weighted average' of '4,3'. This implies that IMDb weighs negative opinions MUCH stronger than positive opinions. Without giving ANY explanation for their choice.

    All women reward the film with a median '10', 100% of women reward it above '6' and women show an average of 7,1.

    Yet IMDb mainly shows a 'user rating' of '4,3'.

    This example seriously invalidates the IMDb rating system.

    For the intelligent, this situation sends the message that you should NEVER let your choice of film be guided by negative opinions on IMDb. They are seriously distorted, and are highly unlikely to represent your own taste.

    There is an audience for every film. Not every film is for every audience. Such is life. It is sheer idiocy to value the opinions of those, for whom the film is clearly NOT intended, MORE than the opinions of audience members who actually LIKE the film.

    In sum: IMDb should reconsider their 'weighted average' system. Intelligent IMDb readers are able to make their own considerations - you don't need to do this for them.