• Warning: Spoilers
    Went to a preview screening last night. Thankfully I did not have to pay for this one, but had to endure it. Yup, the negative reviews are right on the money. This movie is plagued by weak dialogue ("we are tired, we sleep here?") weaker characters (laughable old mother, Diva Plavalaguna ripoff...aww c'mon get real), and the weakest most predictable story (recycled from vastly superior Apocalypto, Mel should get a cut or an apology).

    The SP effects were inconsistent, needed more sabertooth (or even more "cowbell" for that matter...see how crazy this movie has made me) and what was with those laughable attack chickens (again another apology owed this time to Ice Age).

    Heck, even when D'Leh makes his big Leader speech to the tribes before the final battle, didn't we already see this scene in 1996 with President Whitmore declaring our Independence Day? Want more ripoffs...how about King Leonidas spear throw on Xeres? Seen it, seen it, seen it!!!

    Maybe Roland was paying tribute to the genre, but I seriously doubt it. Makes us miss Astronaut Taylor & Nova, heck even Beastmaster Dar & Kiri all did it so much better.

    Anyway the 1 star is for Evolet for teasing us throughout.

    After 2 hours the audience was groaning having endured 10000 clichés.

    And if you're thinking about waiting for the DVD, save your hard earned money because nothing can save this Mammoth Razzie!