
  • This game is excellent. To me, not even the mighty Starcraft holds a candle to CoH's greatness. Now that may be the extreme amounts of pepsi and coca-cola talking. Or even the lack of sleep. But damn it, that's how I feel right now about this game.

    Company of Heroes is just too damn fun. In the single player campaign you are the commander of the either Able or Fox company. Your mission is to fight key battles and win back France and crush the Nazi forces while doing so.

    Now in this game you don't have to really worry about collecting resources. How you get resources is you capture points dotted around the map. Each containing a certain resource and just how much you will get. Whether it be large or small. You must defend these points if you want to mass a large amount of wealth to build armies and bases.

    Speaking of which. You must use infantry squads to great effect if you are to succeed in battle. Engineers are your main go-to guys if you want something built. You need tank traps? You got it. Land mines? Sure thing. Barracks? Alright. There are also riflemen squads. These regular troopers are probably your backbone of your infantry force. They are reliable and are able to do some things that engineers can do given that you are in commanding the right expertise. More on that later. There are other unit types such as the sneaky sniper and the machine gun crew, who just love to turn enemies into swiss cheese.

    If you need to support your troops well then vehicles you will need. We got the ever reliable M4 Sherman and the Half Track transport to get your troops safely across the field of battle. And several more to choose from.

    The fight never stops once first contact has been made with the enemy. You must fight tooth and nail to gain territory and weaken the enemy before you finish him off. obviously, strategy is important. You can't just bum rush a MG42 crew hiding out in a building with 5 squads of infantry. Doesn't always work that way. And if it does work that way, well it shouldn't. You could opt to sneak up on the building and drop a grenade in there depending on whether you are pin down or not. You could also shoot them out with a sniper.

    Command is highly valued. You have 3 commands to take up. But you can only choose one. Each with its own pros and cons. There is Infantry, Airborne, and Armor. I prefer either the Airborne or the Armor. While the infantry can bring in random battle groups to your base and supply you with Army Rangers. The Airborne will let you drop troops, anti armor crews, and supplies in your field of view and you can also level incoming enemy waves using P51 Mustang strafing runs or bombers. Its up to you. I favor the Armor command since I have seen the awesome power that is the calliope. This thing is basically rockets hooked up to a Sherman. You need to clear of path? This is a good way to do it. Also you are allowed the Allies Pershing Tank. This thing was designed to put holes in German armor.

    Oh and remember, the Axis have 3 commands of their own. They are just as devastating with the likes of the V2 rocket, the 88's, and the fearsome Tiger Ace.

    Anyone who is a fan of RTS games get this game if you haven't already. Move it soldier.