• Jump Out Boys jumped right off of the screen and into my heart. In the word's of Emily Dickinson, "How strange that nature does not knock, and yet does not intrude! " Indeed, the film dances temptously at the fringes of the soul, beckoning the viewer to step into its world of hooligans, scoundrels, and flagrant tomfoolery. The piece is mixture of disparate film-making disciplines, the proverbial love child of early films such as Meshes of The Afternoon and The Cabinet of Doctor Caligari. Sheldon Robins gives a heart-stopping performance as Detective McCoy, a rebellious DEA agent with a heart of gold. Singer/songwriter DMX comes across as tough yet vulnerable. Kris Kristofferson and Ameer Baraka keep it cool as two detectives who play by nobody's rules but their own. The sumptuous photography carries us from the skies, to the swamp's of Louisiana, and into our very souls. Bravo.