
  • Come on people. Put the home rolled cigarettes down for a second and step back from TV reality. This is just like a litany of other shows that started with a reasonably exciting premise and produced about 5 or six interesting shows, because that is all the writing team had ready when they signed the deal, and then, like Lost, Heroes, NYPD blue and others becomes a farce of itself as the show surprisingly becomes a hit, and the studio forces the writers to start cranking out garbage scripts, demographically researched and placating to the popular motifs in the series. The show quickly burns itself out and is slowly abandoned by the adoring fan base that propelled the show into success in the first place. I will be happy when the US television market adopts the strategy of the Brits, which is to slate a show for airing for only a few seasons and then it is automatically canceled. This helps the creative staff get the comfort and stability they need to create, and We don't have producers high on who knows what trying to milk the show of every last marketing dime. Get it together people!