
  • I saw this movie on Saturday and laughed aloud throughout.

    This movie is not for everyone. There is nudity as well as drug and bodily function humor; however, it is definitely funny. Unlike most drug-themed movies, Harold and Kumar doesn't show the boys as being a couple of baked idiots, but as an intelligent sensitive individual paired with a baked idiot. Much like Bruce Willis' Blind Date, it only takes one person with absolutely no impulse control to make your life hell. As they said in Star Wars, however, there is another.

    Neil Patrick Harris, after a cameo in the first movie, plays the same character only much further off the deep end than before. He is a mushroom-gobbling, whore-branding sociopath who makes Kumar look like an ivy league professor.

    I must warn those who have seen the first movie. There are no cheetahs.

    I am sorry...