• Having enjoyed Premutos for it's ridiculous gore and laugh out loud dubbing, I was pretty psyched to see another film by Ittenbach. So when Dard Divorce came strolling around, I immediately jumped at the chance. And what I got was that it sucked and was pretty good, all at the same damn time.

    The story is about this alcoholic lawyer chick who is in the middle of some money scheme. Mix in some nice brutality, some mediocre acting, writing and direction, and you have Dard Divorce. Besides the scenes of violence, the majority of the film is pretty weak.

    The lead character, the mother/lawyer/chick is awful at acting. She may even be Olaf's (the director) wife. Well, they're related in some way, since her last name is actually Ittenbach. Nevertheless, she sucked, almost to an extreme where "it's so bad, it's good." Maybe with a few beers in me I would have enjoyed her crap acting for kicks. Her German accent was sooo incredibly thick, but it wasn't her inability to say the words, but her whole delivery. She just couldn't act, it's that simple.

    Speaking of Ittenbach, I'm surprised he still hasn't come very far as a film-maker. He's made a good amount of films. Even though he's a pretty seasoned director, this film still felt amateurish on a few levels. Maybe budget restraints and such have an affect.....whatever. At least he brought home the effects and violence. He's always good for that it seems.

    Dard (Pain) Divorce isn't all bad, it has some pretty brutal scenes of torture which were pretty damn entertaining. The excessive punches to the face scene was the favorite for this guy. But with a forgettable story, awful acting by the lead and a truly cheesy ending, this movie is really just a passable film. Though if you do find bad acting funny and enjoy some brutal violence...and are a fan of Ittenbach, then by all means, enjoy Dard Divorce.