• I would not say I was excited to see this movie, but I can say I did plan to watch it at some point. Luckily, I did not spend money on this movie and even contemplated walking out towards the end of the movie.

    The character of Ron Fox is perhaps one of the worst movie characters in recent memory. In no way was his character funny and he completely took away from the other characters that at least had some talent in the film.

    I am hoping that any of you that are on the fence whether to watch this film or not will think twice and save your time and money. The first of the series blows this atrocity out of the water and I don't know how anyone can say any different. Other than a few one-liners I sat in disbelief of how anyone could enjoy the film. This movie should have never been made and I hope they think long and hard before another of these films is released.