• Warning: Spoilers
    Well what can I say about this show? one word, awful. This type of show seems to be a staple for ABC family with shows such as Kyle XY etc., The dialogue loosely described as banter between the cast is set at mind boggling speed and must have taken quite a few takes to get right, but this may have been the makers idea of tongue in cheek humour. using men in gorilla suits mixed in with real silver backs is just one example of terrible continuity and belief in the show. What I thought I was about to see was a combination of MiB and Heroes, what I saw was a rip off of 60's avengers sequences, a very poor situation comedy, 2 main characters with no chemistry, unbelievable plot lines, terribly acted from all. I get it that this is ABC family, but who was their target audience? The dialogue is way too fast and difficult for kids and way too childish and unbelievable for adults. Will be very surprised if this makes it past the 13 episode period. Sorry ABC, but D- could and should have done so much better, can I have my 40 minutes back please?