• Freaky Friday brings us to the home of John Astin and Barbara Harris with their children Jodie Foster and Sparky Marcus. Harris and Foster are constantly fighting, Foster is going through teen angst saying Mom doesn't understand her, Harris's life is not being made easy by having her first child going through the teen years.

    But on a fateful day where legend has it strange things do occur, one morning as the family is starting their day, the souls of Harris and Foster exchange bodies. After a lot of yelling and screaming the two decide to live each other's day as their new outward appearance dictates.

    The responsibilities of adulthood thrown on Foster's shoulders just overwhelm her. As for Harris it's not easy being a teen. It all adds up to some pretty funny moments. Best being Foster/Harris making a botch of a field hockey match and Harris/Foster on water skis.

    I've always liked the way the Disney Studio always gave a lot of old time players the character roles that they used to get in the old days. In particular here is Patsy Kelly in one of her last appearances as a maid who liked a cocktail every now and then.

    Freaky Friday proved to be one of the Magic Kingdom's most popular products. The recent remake with Lindsay Lohan and Jamie Lee Curtis was as fresh as the original, though that one offered some kind of explanation for the strange occurrence.

    This version just let the magic speak for itself.