• Warning: Spoilers
    A step down from the previous episode, but still one of the best Mythologies until now.

    I didn't like the fact that Duane had to die, he was a great character and I felt for him. He never got any closure whatsoever. He had a lame death. Krycek's disappearing was also disappointing. I think his character should have been used far more frequently.

    The highlights were really Duane taking Scully up there. The scene of Scully having a test done on her were well done and we got to see Gillian Anderson pregnant. another great scene was the final scene with Mulder and Mama Scully, very sad and well acted.

    The episode is very important as it progresses the story, and it's probably the first big emotional episode since 'Beyond The Sea'.

    I'm giving it FOUR stars.