• The fact that I feel a 5 is a decent score for this sitcom surprises me, because when I objectively sum up what this sitcom has to offer, it's nothing at all.

    First off, there's still a laughing machine. For a sitcom that is obviously meant for Britten's youth, this seems unnecessarily old school, which makes it kinda obvious they put it in to point out the jokes. I tried imaging the sitcom without it and realized that most of the jokes would probably pass you, because they're so shallow, simple or immature.

    The acting isn't too smashing either. It's nicely hidden by the thick accent of the cast, but the lack of quality still shimmers through every now and then.

    Aside from that, the jokes are often plain and simple. Most of the characters have no depth whatsoever, which makes them easy for producing jokes, but makes the show all the more shallow.

    I am, of course, summing up the bad parts and there surely must be some good parts, otherwise it wouldn't have kept me watching long enough to figure all this out, but I just can't put my finger on them.

    The only thing I could call for is that the setting is somewhat original, a couple of young people with thick accents who go to bars, but the originality is completely annihilated by the annoying laughing machine, that makes me feel as if this is supposed to be a "back to the past" sitcom.

    So I pass this sitcom. It has nothing to offer at all.