• I think the writer and star performer was definitely a star act in her day, but her day has long gone. She has kept the same material going for about 30 years now, and personally I am sick of it. She may have influenced a lot of others with her style, especially female comedians who seem to hold her up as a Goddess, but her style and her material looks badly dated to me now. That's just the criticism of the artist, but my biggest problem is with the format of the show itself. This IS NOT A GENUINE SITCOM, it is more a very thinly disguised vehicle for an artist who had been off the air for a long time and obviously wanted to get back into it all.

    The plots are thinner than the rich tea biscuits they seem to be eating all the time. Wood's material at its best is very witty and satirical but it has always been self indulgent. This series has a catering size larder full of the same comic staple Ms Wood has been churning out for years. Please read the sell by date on your stale old jokes Victoria. One after another the made to order jokes and references come rolling out of her store cupboard.