• I'm amused that this movie actually has a listing here. It was filmed in Edmonton, Alberta back in the middle of a cold winter, then again every winter is a cold winter in Edmonton. I'm almost embarrassed to admit this, but I was one of the nameless uncredited extras in this movie. I'm in two scenes, one at the police station and the other during the raid at the hotel. I played a detective in both scenes. The only compensation I ever got was one dry cake donut. As for the shower scene, considering their budget I thought she was attractive.

    I never saw this movie in any theaters. It wasn't until 1988 that it turned up on the movie channel here in Canada that I finally saw it. I barely remember anything about it, story wise that is, just a few scattered images. Yeah, it wasn't much, but then again, considering it had virtually no budget I will give it a couple points for the effort, and the shower scene. I have seen worse movies with bigger budgets. I wouldn't mind finding a copy of this movie in VHS or DVD for nostalgia sake, but I'm sure I never will. Anyway, that's about all I have to say about Birds Of Prey.